In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
1279 |
In an addicts
mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
I started hating people that didn't use hard drugs because I
felt like I was being looked down on, that they thought they
were better than me, it fills you with so much contempt you
can't see straight.
I found this on the other board, My question is this as it
relates to the above statement: My husband's latest "hate"
against me is exactly that, I think I am better than him and
judge him, hence he has been back on with his puddle slut as I
like to call her. He says she doesn't judge him and he can be
himself with her (she shoots it with him). Does he really
believe that at the moment? And how can I offer my support to
him, let him know that when he chooses sobriety, I will be there
for him without him thinking I believe I'm better or am judging?
it's so much more peaceful when I ignore him and he isn't in my
life every day, but if there's a way to let him know he's loved
without those other feelings of judgment, I'd love to hear the
ideas. |
Replies... |
piphany |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
like that -"puddle slut" it sounds much less powerful than "dope whore"
Nights2 |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
I like that -"puddle slut" it sounds
much less powerful than "dopewhore"
Sorry, got to disagree. I have such issues
with these titles. Very offensive in my opinion. My bad, I
Am I the only one here that finds calling these ladies, girls,
women, females (whatever) offensive to them?
I'd say these gals have major issues themselves. They need help
also. I have sorrow in my heart for them.
Okay, guess I feel better now.
Oh and definitely not trying to offend anyone or step on your
shoes or your toes.
care |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
understand what you're saying, but then I don't have that
situation either. It makes me think though, what does it make
wed |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
Sierra - they are what they are and they have a choice too.
IMO - it's the same as calling an addict a junkie. They are what
they are and they have a choice as well.
He says she doesn't judge him and he
can be himself with her (she shoots it with him).
Yes he believes that - she's an addict
But remember - even if you were to shoot dope with him - it
wouldn't change this thinking.
I shot dope - tried to be the dope whore - but because there was
still a hint of love there - it wasn't the same.
In my husband's words - he didn't give a shyt about her. She
knew what she was for because he told her. He didn't care about
treating her like shyt. That was her purpose.
grumps |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
Hey, I've been the "puddle slut" in the past.
I can see why people get really angry and feel the need to put
another woman down because they feel very betrayed.
But just remember, the "puddle sluts" are laughing at you when
you call your husband for the hundredth time, and he either
silences you, or tells you some BS and hangs up real quick so we
can go back to our dope and sex. The resentment runs both ways,
and it rarely has to do with our attachment to your "great man".
It's our sickness, ALL of our sickness.
We are all women, with feelings, with brains, and we fall into
these traps not because we are dumb b'tches, but because we have
personal problems and insecurities.
If you are happy calling us puddle sluts, dope whores, whatever,
than that's on you. You can resent all you want, but it's going
to keep you sick too.
I agree with sierranights.
wed |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
It's jealousy.
Plain and simple.
Nights2 |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
NN, you are a very wise lady.
Much respect for you darling.
wed |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
We are so jealous we can't even see straight.
You give them something we can't.
They always choose you over us - you encourage them to go higher
and higher - we want them to return to who we once knew.
They can do no wrong with you. You 'satisfy' them.
Jealousy - plain and simple.
NOTE: "You" is not directed at anyone in particular - was just
trying to give some thoughts.
shedevil |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
LeGrumps' post was a real eye opener. Yes, those women did laugh
at me. They both laugh at me... But not anymore...
I get the last laugh because I have turned my back and walked
away towards the better things that life has to offer for me.
I leave them alone. I really don't care anymore. They don't have
a place to occupy in my world. My world consists of what is
important TO ME... They are not important to me. They do not
matter to me.
I have this stance now and my life is much better because of it.
I will not stand by and point my finger at "the other woman"
because in her eyes I am what she is to me.
Not. I will not sink to that level. I will not allow myself to
be a pawn in his sick sick game any longer..
piphany |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
Yep, they laugh and laugh
that's why I like the phrase "puddle slut" better than dope
whore....they are laughing so hard at the pain they inflict they
are peein all over themselves...
and the vision is sweet
easier to forgive AND PHUKIN FORGET
Nights2 |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
they are laughing so hard at the pain
they inflict
Do you really think that these ladies
(yes, I said ladies, they are somebody's daughter, sister) know
anything about the pain you are feeling?
I think they got their own pain going and it don't matter. Human
nature to look after #1 first.
grumps |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
can only speak for myself, but I wasn't laughing because I
thought I was inflicting pain. I was laughing because I
thought the wives were dumb.
When we tweak, we become numb. My laugh has even changed since I
quit using. Before it was a taunting "HA-ha, dummy, keep calling
him!". Now my laugh is hearty and genuine.
I had no, no, no clue what it was like for them to be waiting,
worried, scared. To me, their calls were more of a pest, and
annoyance than anything else. Real love, the respect for
relationships and caring about anyone elses feelings does not
compute. It's a defense mechanism.
Defending the sham of our own "security" and "control".
piphany |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
Unfortunately for me, I have been told I was
laughed at, even told that stories were made up to make me think
things, then I was laughed at when I believed the stories, then
they laughed when I caused more drama for the "man" because of
the stories...Senseless cruelty. why???
Because meth makes even real human pain-uglier.
I understand, I forgive, hopefully I will forget but not for one
second do I sympathize with meth cruelty
Empathize maybe-yes, sympathize-never
2006 |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
My husband lived with, slept with, and supported a female addict
for 6 months while I was pregnant with our second child.
I guess she was smarter than me...
She got free room and board, an ample supply of free dope, and
access to a car.
All she had to do for this privilege was deal with daily verbal
assaults from my addict husband, give up any dignity or
self-worth she might have had, and hand her daughter over to CPS
(she had already lost her oldest daughter to the child's
paternal grandparents), and live in the delusion that my
perpetually unemployed husband would love and support (with MY
money) her for the rest of her days.
As for me, I got time to develop my own interests and life,
affirmation of my own strength as a woman and mother, a sense of
self-reliance, a chance to seek the co-dependency recovery I
needed for years, a chance to test my capacity for forgiveness
and compassion, an incredible bond with my daughter... oh yeah,
and a grateful, devoted, employed recovering husband (78 days
today!). An intact family. Wow.
Okay, maybe I was a little smarter.
~The BEST revenge is a life well lived~ |
55 |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
Dear amart1279.
Your situation is difficult, but it could be also a sign that
you can do something about it, as you are trying to. Not too
many people have courage to come out and say that they may have
a part in relationship that can be better, my complements to
Remember there is a drug involved and it is a priority for the
addict, no woman, even a true love is above meth, till he is
ready to get help. But you can be a light in the dark, if you
decide it is what you want.
My situation is a little different, but my addict said that he
didn't feel good enough for me for years. At first I didn't know
what to do, it was more heart breaking than if I wasn't good
enough. But I knew the love was real, always did.
Right now things are better and he said to me that he wants to
be better and wants me in his life.
But........I went through 3 years of taking care of myself:
AlAnon, Open AA, Na meetings, learning to listen, learning to be
patient, realizing I don't always understand him, realizing he
needs time to learn his lessons, letting him know that going to
meetings is not too little for me it's part of my life and I
respect it, that he is worth spending time on, emphasizing his
good qualities that made me fall in love with him, things he did
to change my life for better........
If you are doing all of those things, than the drug must be
mostly at fault, but if not I would recommend to take an
Remember!! addicts are very sensitive and intelligent people,
they can read you from inside out good and bad....
Ca |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
love the honesty of this post.
The BEST revenge is a life well
You are so right KMB. |
1279 |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
Didn't realize that this
would cause such strife, I guess I failed to look outside my
world and realize some of you were the other woman. Logically,
it absolutely makes sense that I win by walking away and working
on myself because he will remain with her as long as he remains
with the dope. But this is also the place that I cannot get rid
of my anger.....They LAUGH at me? How dare them! She eggs him on
when he verbally assaults me? Phuck them both!
Only an inventory and a true forgiveness will get me through
that, I know, and I appreciate so much all of your thoughts and
experiences. Now, Another question from the original post that I
haven't gotten an answer to..... how do i keep him at a safe
distance so he knows i don't judge him but will support him in
recovery. it is so tempting to either x him out of my life or,
preach and beg....neither of which feels good or has any impact?
Thanks ladies...You are all AMAZING ----former girlfriends and
bitter wives alike
Broken1 |
Re: In an addicts mind - why do they feel I'm judging?
how do i keep him at a
safe distance so he knows i don't judge him but will support him
in recovery. it is so tempting to either x him out of my life
or, preach and beg....neither of which feels good or has any
From the female friend of a now recovering male friend, at first
I knew little of what was going on in his world. I didn't ask
and just snuck my meth and let him sleep or eat or shower or sit
and think, with my Mom here at home also.
Then I got invited along one night for what I thought would be a
run and back and that was that. When I met who he was hanging
around and found that night all the things he was starting to do
(steal, cook, etc.), I had a heart-to-heart talk but he was
"Functionally" high and thus, it was only words and went in one
ear and out the other.
Since everyone else gave up on him and I approached them one
more time asking to become cohesive for a meeting of
minds/intervention if needed, and they declined, I hired a PI
and found out all I needed to know. KNOWING allowed me to
distance enough to think rationally about how best to help him.
Not everyone wants or can handle knowing.
I got a few weeks clean on me (thanks to reading KCI site
beforehand and just saying, "I quit."), I was able to evaluate
how to communicate to him I care without telling him don't think
you have a friend.
My biggest fear was reading of all the meth deaths. It haunted
me relentlessly. Death and me don't deal well anyway but that's
another story.
I assembled a list of all his good (past and current)
potentials, talents, and people in his life that outweighed
meth. I set a two-week time limit. My bottom line was if the
cops come looking and you aren't done with this junk, I'll take
my consequences and tell the truth to any questions asked about
you my friend (jail beats dead to me, JMO.). I left the note and
told him call when he was seriously ready to get treatment.
Take what is workable for you and leave the rest.
See also:
Husband being released from rehab - Any advice?
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