marakris |
Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
He wants to work on the yard and get
a bunch of stuff done. He is trying to talk me into
letting him cook some meth in our basement. He is trying
to convince me that we could do it casually, whenever I
think that we could not do that. Does anybody think that
doing meth casually for a few days would be doable?? I
told him we'd get brain damaged even more and he said
"just a little bit" . hahaha
I have like 90 something days clean and he has a year,
except he smoked crack recently. God, we sound like
looser!!!!! |
Replies... |
Ncali |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
You don't sound like
losers. Just like sick people - with very little or
defense against this disease.
Unless the your willing to pay the price . . .
the price could be many different things.
Insanity . . .
Loosing everything - including each other
Etc etc etc
And yes - - - All that can happen from Just Using one
more time - just using "casually" |
marie |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
HELL NO! Why ruin what
good thing you have going? You're not losers, just real
people dealing with day to day life choices. Make the
right one sweetie...its worth it. |
sabino |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
You have come so far, don't throw your sobriety out the
window! Think about how you will feel tomorrow morning.
Do you think you will feel regret? I bet you would.
Please stay clean!
PS. you are not loosers |
Passion |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
I have like 90
something days clean and he has a year, except he
smoked crack recently.
The addict is at large in him ...
and the sad part his addiction wants you to co-sign it,
by joining in and if you do join you will not only be
co-sign his, but yours as well.
You already know the answers to your question .. deep
down inside you do...
Don't do it!
No need to throw your recovery time to the wind just
because he has ... If he uses .. let it be without you. |
sclean |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
NO!!! |
hdftboy |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
First off, you are not losers!
Temptation is normal. Just stop and think what is at
stake if you give up the 90 days. Ground zero is a major
bummer of a place to go back to.
Stop and think of all the good things that have taken
place in the past 90 days. Then tell your husband
the same.
Then both of you................

Then go to an ice cream shop and get a cone with each
other! |
hdftboy |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
I know a guy that
snorted meth a lot and got a huge one on his nose.
He wouldn't go to the doctor, he just drained it
everyday until it popped out, it was like the size
of a grape.
Another guy got this huge infection on his arm and
it was really swollen and he had to have surgery and
skin grafts, he was hospitalized for like a week or
more, but could have lost his arm.
This sounds like fun....
Look at the words you just typed. Come-on, please say
with us:
Today I will choose to say no to meth. |
shedevil |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
This is your brain on
Your addiction is trying to rationalize with you...
Hello... Wake up call...
Keep the pain green. Do you not remember what the pain
of withdrawal was like? Do you not remember how chaotic
your life was? Now why on earth do you want to go
through that again?
That's a lot of clean time to just throw it away to one
more time.
Go to a meeting or call your sponsor.
You are worth your recovery & better than using. |
Ncali |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Answer this one Question
- -
Do you honestly think you can use just once ... just
here and there ... every now and then - "casually" ....
If the answer is yes - - or maybe - - then you will
probably use.
When you get to the point & IT IS A VERY NECESSARY POINT
where you can answer NO .... and you are straight about
there is NO JUST ONCE - No every now and then .... and
you are able to see for yourself how bad it is and how
once is never enough and it leads to yet another run
with misery & chaos ..... when you get there - your
chances at staying sober - are way Better.
It took me a long time to get there.
But today I KNOW .... I CAN NOT USE Casually ....
I know where it takes me.
There is No doubt.
And I do not have to ask others for their opinion about
it |
marakris |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Ok, I have only had 1
I went through all of the symptoms, the weight gain,
fatigue, depression, just like when I stopped for the
first time. I had 7 months clean then.
I am just so frustrated with my relationship. I know
better than to go back. I am so glad that I have this
place to come to instead.
Thanks so much everyone. I am going to give it 1000%. |
marie |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Before I go home from
work for the night...I wanted to encourage you again! I
see you're still on and I wanted to let you know that 90
days is HUGE! Respect yourself and all that you've been
through by continuing to stay clean! Stand firm! |
Loraura |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Ok, I have only had 1
I went through all of the symptoms, the weight gain,
fatigue, depression, just like when I stopped for
the first time.
And it will be EXACTLY the same if
you do it again. This time and every other time.
WHY on EARTH would you want to go through that again?
WHY on EARTH would you want to destroy the dopamine your
body has been working so hard to replace from your last
run? |
Penel0pe |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Definition of insanity:
If you want to get things done around the house, just do
them. Cooking a batch of meth makes no sense after being
clean for so long.
If you need yard work done, do yard work. Leave the dope
out of the equation - this is what we call living life
on life's terms. |
clean |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Once more:
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Have you lost your
freaking mind????? How could you even THINK about
cooking that sh!t!!!! Do you know how much damage meth
labs do??? Check out the websites.
You are putting yourselves and your neighbors in grave
danger. If you are cooking while kids are there, you are
affecting their health from fumes and explosions. Maybe
you don't give a damn about "your health" but what about
"kids and other innocent people!!!"
Meth residue sticks to clothes and anything it comes in
contact with. It is frickin toxic and HIGHLY
Hey, if you have got a meth problem, then you have come
to the right place, but use some God given, common sense
and don't frickin cook the sh!t!
I am p!ssed that you would even mention cooking that
sh!t with your husband. That just amazes the sh!t out of
me! Get some guts and tell him to get the h%ll out, if
he is dead-set on cooking it...
You have some serious issues, even thinking about
cooking that sh!t! Is it all worth the hell that it has
made all of our lives??? |
chrisgonz |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
You're setting yourself
up for some serious legal trouble.
Once you get into cooking, it won't be..once a whatever,
it will be a daily thing. You know that.
You know that messing with Meth is going to get you
You'll be here after your run, saying exactly what
you've said before.
Keep it real...
if you want to walk/run on the wild side, just do it.
You don't need our permission for that.
How you going to throw away a year for a weekend??
Plus what you're thinking of doing is BIG TIME illegal.
Are you willing to do the time as well???
Do you even know the sentences for manufacturing limits
are in your area. Do you live near a school.
How can you subject the innocent people who live in your
immediate area to that SHYTE???
Lady.. where's your common sense and CONSCIOUS.
man...if you were my neighbor and you tried that shyte
around my baby...
you'd be in sooo much trouble!!! |
framed69 |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
It's my opinion that if you make a batch of that stuff
you probably won't get any yard work done--as if that
was an all important task in the first place. When I was
in that situation {{{{{cringe}}}}} and had access to
such a supply of meth all I did was sit and do more meth
& then my Maker would scavenge the stores around town &
brew up another batch. Once for four months straight I
didn't work or do anything besides do meth night and
day, and it's the source of nightmares & endless
counseling sessions for me now!
The vapors are dangerous enough but when you think about
your entire home (& neighbor's property) going kitty-caboom
I must write that you're more than playing with fire,
especially considering the hefty criminal sentences
associated with manufacture. You are not thinking
clearly. Please do not make meth. I know your update
read you wouldn't and I'm not trying to harp on you, but
if you change your mind & are dead set on throwing your
clean time away buy it instead of making it--especially
if you or your neighbors have kids. |
danimal55 |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Sure using for two days
is do-able, using for the indefinite future is also
do-able...and VERY likely.
Have you ever done meth casually?
Substituting one drug for another leads most of us back
to the meth treadmill. i.e. crack smoking > meth.
You're not're making losing choices.
Hubby is in deep trouble IMO, he has given himself
permission and justification, a dangerous posture to
assume, a posture that this addict was NEVER able to
He's off the deep end and is doing his best to take you
with him, leaving you faced with critical choices.
These are life and death decisions, the collective
prayer of this forum is that *YOU* make the right ones,
and only you know what is right for you. |
marakris |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Ok, it's morning and all
is well. No meth. I am so emotional over all of this
sh!t with my husband, I am starting to understand just
how bad it is.
He can't function emotionally on the same level as me,
for reasons that we can't pinpoint.
1. He was a prof. athlete and suffered head injuries
that put him in a coma for a week.
2. Lots of drugs, meth for about 10 years off and on.
3. He is an alcoholic.
So whenever I try to use my inner resources (which I
really do have lots of), I get so much resistance from he's lying to me, constantly sneaking
around....he has an endless supply of BS that I just
can't relate to. So I go round and round
"Who-What-Where-When-and WHY??" Or I detach and all this
is going on under my nose.....or I leave and eventually
every time so far, which has been so many times that I
have lost count - HE BEGS HIS WAY BACK TO
ME..............and then I get all sucked back into the
BS....same story we all here on this site.....only it is
MY emotions driving me crazy, until I want to get high
to escape, relate and not feel like "a goody goody" (he
used to call me that).
Thanks again everyone....coming here gave me renewed
strength. |
guestwho |
Re: Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?
Just realize he is using
and is going to continue using manipulation to get you
to use. If you use, his usage is condoned and he is
going to continue using. It's a shame that this is
happening to you because that's such a weak excuse and
probably just the start of a bunch of silliness. Keep an
eye on him, mentally roll your eyes in your head when he
is trying to entice you. It sounds like you don't want
to relapse. Do not give into the pressure and if you
find out he is using again, do what you have to do but
don't ever use because it is just going make this
volatile situation even more dangerous. He's slipping
into that dark pit, stay in the sunshine. Do what you
have to do for you. |