Meth addict custom car
sanjose |
Tweeker custom car!
My tweeker son josh is moving up in the world. He
now has a custom Tempo. See picture below:

Just think all you cars fans out there if you keep tweekin you
can own one of these beauties after 25 years of life.
Josh helped a guy fix his fence after he ran the tempo into the
brick fence. The fence/car clash resulted in the door being
knocked off. Josh drove it for a while with no door. He looked
like David Spade driving hat car after hitting the dear in the
movie Tommy Boy. Now all Josh has to do is pay his fines and get
his license and he can enter his Tempo in a car show. |
Replies... |
no more
around |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
Since I was too busy tweaking to pay my car
payments, I had my car repo'd. I loved that car....right off the
showroom floor.
I wouldn't own another car for a year. I rode the bus
everywhere, saved, and for 500 bucks I bought this old, decrepit
piece of crap. I really did think I was moving up in the world.
Couldn't legally drive it, since my license had been suspended
for not paying my ticket in Texas. I guess they don't like it
when you go 94 on the interstate through that state. ( I was in
a hurry ! )
I was 28. I had nothing. The piece of crap car was the only
thing I had that was mine. *sigh*
I can relate, my friend. |
heartsKS |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
Well, at least you can have a sense of humor about
it, Stan ((((hugs)))) Never did see that movie with David Spade
in it, although my youngest daughter said she thought it was a
I think about the only time I didn't have a car in my tweaker
days was when the ex had it. I've had more mishaps with cars
since I've been in recovery! After 11 years of faithful service
to me, my old Grand Marquis went belly up on me Christmas Day
2004, 100 miles south of home. I was on foot for 7 months! I
walked everywhere, including the grocery store. I'll never take
a vehicle for granted again! I've had a really nice, slightly
used (only 40K on it when I got it) 1993 Nissan SE since July of
last year |
Guene |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
Wow Stan I don't know what to
say, congrats on the nice car, sorry having an off day today,
Jamie is being a smart a&& and I guess it may have rubbed off on
me. I hope this is a step in the right direction for him. |
Sfj |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
Isn't Josh your son?
Unless I'm reading something wrong, it seems to me that you are
intentionally making fun of him.
It looks like you are trying to ridicule the person who needs
you the most to help build self-esteem and confidence.
What am I missing? |
inky |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
You are missing the obvious SfJ- obvious to me.
I see Stan using humor to hide his pain - this is his son that
he had hopes for, still has hope I'd say but having to fight
harder these days to keep it alive.
This is his Mini Me- his love, his heart. That he is forced to
watch while his son just deteriorates before his eyes- so
utterly helpless.
and it is breaking his heart in two.
That is what I see.
Hang on Stan, Josh will come back to you. I don't know when, I
don't know how - but I do believe with everything in me that you
will have your son again.
There is a God after all. Keep your faith, hold it tight around
Much love to you and your family |
ma |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
Hey Jose, Looks alot like my son's vehicle (used to
He does not have anything right now. I know you are not "poking
fun at your son". I understand the humor. Like I said before
sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. I might be
wrong but sometimes it seems some people that post here, just
like to ARGUE... |
55 |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
At least he cares about something...whether the car
ever runs again is another issue. Hopefully his recovery will
mean as much to him some day.
I can't find humor in this [maybe a little] it reminds me too
much of my own son [and his father]...sitting in a chaotic pile
of nuts, bolts and assorted parts.
As always, you Beanerschnitzels are in my heart |
Sfj |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
To scaredma,
I admit that quite often I say things and post items that are
controversial, and I've repeatedly said that the reason I do it
is to get people to talk and communicate with one another. If
looking for solutions and exchanging ideas and opinions is
called “Arguing,” then by all means, I am here to facilitate
Maybe people think that meth addiction will go away by itself. I
dunno? I can’t see that happening without some serious
communication. Also, If nobody says anything, nothing will be
said. How germane is that? This forum is for open discussion and
that’s just what I intend to do.
I happen to be a father and I had a father. My father NEVER ONCE
in his life ever said anything good about me. He is deceased now
but I would still honor his good points if he were living. I
vowed that when I had kids, I would praise them, encourage them,
validate them, applaud them, and never once have I ever done or
said anything to insult, mock, or use them as a source of humor
for my own purposes. So go ahead and tell me to lighten up a
bit. That’s ok. Maybe I’m not as advanced as you, maybe I’m
still too old-fashioned in my ideas about family.
Am I too sensitive in this matter, maybe? Am I too serious about
my role as a husband and a father? Maybe?
Are my kids going astray? NO.
Have you ever seen or read anything I said about my wife or kids
that is anything other than positive, encouraging and uplifting?
I also like Mary Holley’s approach. Does that make me
argumentative? Maybe?
Have you got a better method? Let me read your opinion. |
heartsKS |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
There have been times in my life where it has been
either laugh or cry, and I have chosen to laugh in order to
survive. I have chosen to do this NOT in front of the active
addict in my life, but rather with other recovering people in
the program. This is what I saw Stan doing.
Stan feels bad enough about his son as it is, and I saw nothing
constructive (for the sake of 'starting a conversation') in your
comments to him, SFJ, about him needing to be there to boost his
son's self esteem, etc.
There are times we can become so completely immersed in our pain
that we can't function at a level we need to, and I know in
those cases, humor has been a lifesaver for me, and it has NOT
come at the expense of others. Stan wasn't standing there in
front of his son making fun of him, he was expressing himself
here in this forum where he feels safe.
Life's far too short to be serious and sad and in pain all of
the time. That's great your kids aren't going astray. Does that
make your way the only way? Not hardly.
Just my two cents, and in today's world and the rate of
inflation, that isn't much, is it? |
inky |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
You can do everything right and still have a child
go astray.
It's a coin toss, it is.
I have my children, I have raised most of them,2 left to go- and
they are all different despite my remaining the same.
I was/am that stable force, I remain the same.
None of my children so far are users or drunks.
I'd like to say it was because of my efforts but in reality I
feel it was mostly because of their father's use of all.
You know, good loving homes can have drug addicted children.
Crappy dysfunctional homes can have just wonders for children
that grow up to do great things.
It's a crap shoot at best. Yes by being supportive you may be
able to better the odds- but it is still a gamble.
There is no set pattern to produce magnificient law abiding
upstanding citizens of your child.
Nor is there one set way to help an addict find freedom.
You just keep trying until you find something that works- it
varies from one person to the next.
Just because your child grows up and becomes this lost soul
doesn't mean you did it wrong.
It doesn't.
Nor just because your child grows up to never use alcohol or
drugs mean you did it right.
It doesn't.
I read Mary Holley's book- I did find some things that hit home
to me.
But I tell you , it would not be the book I would recommend as a
sure fire way to get your child free from addiction.
It wouldn't.
As much as I read of the book, I skimmed over twice as much
because quite frankly, there were a number of parts had no
usuable information for me.
There were also a number of parts I felt were bullsh!t- all the
way around.
Very judgemental - and definitely not the way I would have
chosen to approach my child.
So yes while I will agree it is worth A read- no I do not agree
as it being the light that guides the way free of addiction.
One last thing and I will step down from my soap box.
When faced with a choice of whether to laugh or cry, I look for
the laughter every time.
It has kept me sane throughout my 43 years of life's hard knocks
and bullsh!t. |
sanjose |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
Isn't Josh your son?
Unless I'm reading something wrong, it seems to me that you
are intentionally making fun of him.
It looks like you are trying to ridicule the person who
needs you the most to help build self-esteem and confidence.
What am I missing
I am not going to respond directly to your posts. My friends
have done such a good job that I am going to reprint there posts
again even if it is repetitious. Their posts have touched me and even helped me to see
myself a little more clearly.I
may respond to you later but I need time to think more and I
want to be calm as you have helped me in the past and I
appreciate that.
You are missing the obvious SfJ- obvious to me.
I see Stan using humor to hide his pain - this is his son
that he had hopes for, still has hope I'd say but having to
fight harder these days to keep it alive.
This is his Mini Me- his love, his heart. That he is forced
to watch while his son just deteriorates before his eyes- so
utterly helpless.
and it is breaking his heart in two
Hey Jose, Looks a lot like my son's vehicle (used to have)
He does not have anything right now. I know you are not
"poking fun at your son". I understand the humor. Like I
said before sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.
I might be wrong but sometimes it seems some people that
post here, just like to ARGUE....Faye
There have been times in my life where it has been either
laugh or cry, and I have chosen to laugh in order to
survive. I have chosen to do this NOT in front of the active
addict in my life, but rather with other recovering people
in the program. This is what I saw Stan doing.
Stan feels bad enough about his son as it is, and I saw
nothing constructive (for the sake of 'starting a
conversation') in your comments to him, SFJ, about him
needing to be there to boost his son's self esteem, etc.
There are times we can become so completely immersed in our
pain that we can't function at a level we need to, and I
know in those cases, humor has been a lifesaver for me, and
it has NOT come at the expense of others. Stan wasn't
standing there in front of his son making fun of him, he was
expressing himself here in this forum where he feels safe.
Danimal, I love you my brother. I did not mean to bring up bad
memories for you. Tell Willie and Jason I still admire them |
ma |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
You can discuss all you want to, you have that
right. We all do. Just to let you know, I would never make fun
of my son in front of him, actually I am not making fun of him
when I say things like Jose did. Is it not the truth that the
vehicle pictured is a typical ride for someone who chooses to
blow their money. My son is not stupid and I am sure he realizes
somewhere in his head that if he ever wants to have anything he
will have to stop throwing his money away and be responsible.
Nobody in this world loves their son more than I do mine and I
will tell you like I tell my husband about my stepson when he
says "well my boy ....." IT IS NEVER TOO LATE!!!!!
You can't say what you have raised until they are dead and it is
over because you don't know from one minute to the next what ANY
child will do. Be careful what you say because it can and will
come back to haunt you. |
sanjose |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
Well SFJ if you wanted to get my attention you have
succeeded. I cannot ignore your posts.
SFJ’s quote
Isn't Josh your son?
Unless I'm reading something wrong, it seems to me that you
are intentionally making fun of him.
It looks like you are trying to ridicule the person who
needs you the most to help build self-esteem and confidence.
What am I missing?
You are missing the following:
1 I am the one that coached and taught my son in Little
League because I knew that I would always be able to build his
self-esteem and confidence. I don’t like coaching. I decided
that I was going to teach and coach my sons ever since my oldest
son’s coach yelled at him in front of all the players because he
made a mistake. I took my son to another team that I
coached and we beat the yelling coach the nest year for the
championship. Josh was the pitcher, shortstop and had the best
batting average on the team.
2 You are missing that I put him in 4 different schools
because I wanted him to succeed and build his self esteem
3 You are missing that I gave him a job for four years
and complimented him on his good work when he did good work
4 You are missing that I co-signed for him to have a very
nice truck and then gave him a job to pay for it.
5 You are missing that when he failed to pay the
insurance on the truck and it got stolen, I talked my mother
into selling him her car because I did not want him to have
low-self esteem because he had nothing.
6 You are missing that I got approved for a nice
apartment and then furnished for him because I wanted him to
feel good about himself.
7 You are missing the fact that I give him a hug every
time it is appropriate.
8 You are missing the fact that I have said many good
things about Josh in front of Josh. This is something that my
father taught me, he thinks that the sun rises and sets on me.
Don’t tell him any different OK?
9 I stared a men’s softball team just a few years ago
just so Josh could play and show his talents. Josh got many
compliments from not only me but the players as well. I hate
coaching men.
10 I tell Josh that he is a very good looking man.
There are more but it maybe that nothing I say will change your
I have been posting on this board for almost 2 years (including
the old board) and many of the facts above were described. I
know that you have read some of those posts because you have
responded to some of them. Josh has not seem my posts that you
are referring to. Josh does not know how to get o this website
even though I tried to get him here last year.
SFJ, do you really think that I
am trying to hurt my son’s confidence or self esteem?
SFJ’s quote
Am I too sensitive in this matter, maybe? Am I too serious
about my role as a husband and a father? Maybe?
Are my kids going astray? NO.
You seem to be saying that my child has gone astray because I do
not take my role as a father serious enough. SFJ you are hitting below the belt with that one. Your
insinuation also seems like a prejudiced (judging without facts)
ignorant statement and that surprises me because you are a smart
I have learned a lot from my friends on this board and one of
them is to work on your anger. You have made me a bit angry but
I am working on it. I want to thank my friends and especially
Penelope who probably does not even know she has helped me in
this area. At first I wanted to say more to you but then I
calmed down for a while and what I said above is what I feel for
now. SFJ if I ever get up to SF I plan on looking you up. We can
go have a burger together and maybe we can give each other a
hug. The worst you can expect
from me is that I might throw some fries at you! |
ma |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
Hey, love your 1-10 list, sounds extremely familiar
(except I never coached) |
25 years
no more |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
So that is what a custom Tempo looks like. |
lax2 |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
I don't think Stan was makin fun of his son in any
way...it was more his way of coping... illistrating a sad
commentary on aspects of his son's life, that are indeed
chipping at - if not breaking his heart. NO ONE loves their
children more than Stan, or SFJ for that matter.
that said... enough commentary...
I wish I had a picture of my custom $400. find, it was a
1986 Chrysler Le Baron Marc Cross Edition Convertible,
complete with working power roof, custom blended with
Painters canvas tarp 50%, 25% silver duct tape,25% original
vinyl, by god after many hours labor, it didn't leak. I was
proud to have reliable transportation for 2.5
years, that was the envy of many of my connections and
co-horts(seriously), even if they did kid me mercilessly about
- chrome customised with glitter nail polish -
- wood paneling (shelf paper)
- 2 tone paintjob (99c store find- 6 cans spray) I only painted
the parts I could see cause I didnt like the steel blue
- I made the center of the wire wheels look like 45 adapters
with stickers...
If anyone else has pictures of their old beaters....I'd sure
like to see them, either here or on the OT board...I'm quite a
bit of a car nut. I wish I had pictures
as I still kind of miss "Lee Le" (named after Lee Iaccoca!)
peace out.
Come on... I can't be the only one........I wanna see pictures,
Please? |
sanjose |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
and TenderheartsKS
I know you take your parenting serious and love your child.
Our children have not gone
“astray” because we do not take parenting serious enough.
I don’t know why SFJ implied that with his comment:
SFJ’s quote
Am I too sensitive in this matter, maybe? Am I too serious
about my role as a husband and a father? Maybe?
Are my kids going astray? NO.
Just because SFJ says something does not mean it is true.
Although his statement did surprise me. I thought that with all
his involvement with all kinds of education in dealing with
addicts and loved ones of addicts he would understand the loved
ones of an addict better.
Scaredma, I get comfort from the fact that TenderheartsKS
understands us completely and she has 15+ years clean. Now that
is what I call credibility, she has my respect!
Thanks for being the peace maker and for the chuckle you gave me
wth your car story. |
Ricochet |
Re: Tweeker custom car!
Stan my Bro-Man! I wouldn't worry about mocking
your tweaker son, geez ya gotta have a sense of humor about it.
Heck, I used to mock and tease my tweaker associates, during my
tweakhead days for the junk they considered righteous and bad!
Ya know...you actually brought a grin to my face and something
to giggle about, as I remembered my days as a tweaker and
accepted all the junk I got as jewels! Boy, I thought I was
livin it up at times...wrong!
And, you know what else your post did? It reminded me exactly
why I never wanna use again, ever....and to confirm just how
righteous I got it now...so...thankyou! |
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